Golf September 1 – 30

The 27th Annual Golf for Life, presented by Coastal Community Private Wealth Group, will run for the entire month of September. The new format means even more people can enjoy playing this beautiful course on a day of their choice between September 1 and 30 with friends, family and colleagues while still experiencing the excitement of tournament play. There will be leaderboard tracking, draw and results-based prizes and more!
Fairwinds Golf Club has always been our host course and we are delighted to be partnering with them once again. Their generous support has helped ensure the longevity and success of our event in addition to providing a spectacular course for players. Plus they will be matching donations up to $10,000!
Funds raised through Golf for Life will support the new ICU at NRGH. Click here to learn more about the new ICU and our campaign to raise $5 million for all the medical equipment. Thank you for your support!
Golf for Life is $150 per golfer* and includes:
- 1 round of golf at Fairwinds Golf Club
- Golf Cart
- One Mulligan
- One bucket of balls to warm up with at the driving range
- Sleeve of golf balls
- Discounts from Fairwinds Golf Club
- Entry into weekly prize draws
- Eligibility for top and most honest golfer prizes
- Charitable Tax receipt for $50
*Juniors (16 years of age and under) and Fairwinds Golf Club Members are $75 per person. Please call the Fairwinds Golf Shop at 250-468-7666 for Junior and Members tickets.
Register by Monday, August 17th and be entered to win two, one-way tickets with Harbour Air![nectar_btn size=”large” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Accent-Color” icon_family=”none” url=”” text=”Purchase Tickets”]