Lifeline Nanaimo Volunteer Profile: Trevor Cradduck

After his career as a medical physicist, seeking out an organization like Lifeline Nanaimo felt like a natural transition into retirement for Dr. Trevor Cradduc. “I found myself living in a community where several neighbours were Lifeline clients and I saw a natural fit. As an installer I found great satisfaction in aiding individuals gain greater independence.”
“The day eventually arrived when I could no longer drive so was obliged to give up installing Lifeline units. I was able, instead, to act as editor for Seniors Connections – a monthly news sheet funded by a Federal grant and distributed to a variety of community centres. With the cessation of Seniors Connections, I have been able to continue my volunteer activities by assisting Lifeline at community events such as health fairs and contributing to Lifeline’s Facebook page.”
Our volunteers are the backbone of our program and we couldn’t do all that we do without them!
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