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June 2022

Nanoose Bay Lions Club

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The Nanoose Bay Lions Club held an extremely successful garage sale fundraiser in May this year, and raised just under $3,000 for the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation! They wanted to support the purchase of new medical equipment for the Intensive Care Unit, which is currently under construction. We are so grateful for your efforts and support!

Nanoose Bay Quilters

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Roxane from the Nanoose Quilters dropped off 33 handmade quilts for NRGH last week! Some of the beautiful quilts will go to the NICU or Maternity department, but many will also go to the Palliative Care unit, Cancer Care, the Renal unit, and Dufferin Place. Thank you so much to all of the talented people that spend their time and energy to make these beautiful quilts for our patients.

Roots to Read Launch

By Celebrate!, Congratulations!, News
This week at NRGH, Paediatrician Dr. Jane Pegg and Family Doctor Dr. Bill Ehman celebrated the launch of their passion project, Roots to Read – NRGH Newborn Literacy Program. The program aims to support language and literacy development in children. Snuneymuxw Elder Lolly Good, whose Hul’q’umi’num name is Shxuysulwut, started the event off in a good way with a prayer and a welcome song.
The Roots to Read program will provide a book bag to every newborn at NRGH that will include two new books, as well as caregiver tips and guidance for families to encourage healthy literacy and connection with their baby. “Literacy is one of the most important determinants of health,” Dr. Ehman told the group gathered to celebrate the launch. “The brain is like a system of roots,” added Dr. Pegg. “Early stimulation encourages growth.”
The program has been successful in getting off the ground, and we are hoping that financial support from our community will keep it going. The program is run by volunteers, including representation from NRGH’s Perinatal team, Obstetrics providers including midwifery, the Vancouver Island Regional Library, Nanaimo Literacy Society, Strong Nations Bookstore and PacificCare. Support with beautiful hand made book bags is ongoing from our sewing community, including Parksville and Qualicum Quilters, Nanaimo Auxilliary and many others!
We have had a solid start and and an exciting launch. However, the program’s sustainability is entirely dependent upon ongoing financial support with donations from our community. Donations to Roots to Read are a great way to celebrate a new birth in your family, and support a strong literacy beginning for all newborns. For every $20 you give, another book bag is funded.
If you would like to make a donation towards this program, contact us by phone at 250.755.7690 or on our website at Donations are tax deductible.

Helmet Head Canada

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We are so grateful to Helmet Head Canada for the donation of 8 totes of toys for Paediatrics! A total of 31 bikers rode their motorcycles in a parade formation last weekend in Victoria to drum up donations of toys for hospitals on Vancouver Island. Today, Helmet Head’s organizer Scott Ferron and a group of the riders delivered the toys to Nanaimo Regional General Hospital to give to children who are undergoing medical treatments, which will help them feel better and play like a kid again. The group has made three donations of multiple totes of toys within the past year!

Variety the Children’s Charity

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Today we thank Variety – The Children’s Charity of BC for selecting the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation to receive a $15,000 grant from the Variety Cares Fund. This funding, which Variety has been giving for several years, goes toward paying unforeseen expenses for mothers and their families who must travel outside of their home communities for medical care. They may be experiencing late-stage pregnancy medical issues, difficult and/or premature births, and other challenging situations. Expenses covered can include accommodations for mothers and family members, travel, food, and more.
This funding is critical to alleviating the financial burden mothers and their families can experience during these already tumultuous times in their lives. We are so grateful to Variety for partnering with us on this very important initiative.

Upper Island Power Pioneers of BC Hydro

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Our heartfelt thanks go out to the Upper Island Power Pioneers of BC Hydro for their donation from February and April of this year, totalling $1,600 for the Paediatric Department at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital!
Pictured from back, left to right: Sharon Bickle, Al Seper, Al Akins, Rene Rickard, Shelly Horby, Brian Jeffery, Mirjam Jeffery, Dianne Michaely, Jim Gahr, Tove Gahr, Lois Earl, and Pat Morris.

Welcome, New Nursing Grads!

By Celebrate!, News
Congratulations and welcome to the over 40 new Nursing grads coming to the Nanaimo Regional General Hospital! We so appreciate you inviting us to share with you the role that Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation plays in supporting our healthcare facilities and amazing healthcare teams in our region. Welcome to the NRGH team! Shout out to our Code Brew Café for the yummy cookies!
Photos: Janice Krall, CDO, NDHF