Newman’s Own Foundation

Thank you to Newman’s Own Foundation for their gift of $6,474 towards state-of-the-art medical equipment for the new Intensive Care Unit at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH). Their generous support exceeds over $100,000 to date and has funded numerous pieces of equipment for NRGH as well as Oceanside Health Centre in Parksville and Eagle Park Health Care Facility in Qualicum Beach.
With the support of organizations such as Newman’s Own Foundation, we are able to help broaden healthcare services, reduce wait times, and provide our incredible medical teams with the equipment and resources they need to continue providing excellent care for central Vancouver Island residents.
Paul Newman started Newman’s Own in 1982 with his personal-recipe salad dressing, which he bottled and sold, and then he gave away 100% of the profits to charity. To date, more than $550 million has been donated to charitable organizations all over the world—all from the profits of Newman’s Own food products. In fact, Paul Newman said, “From salad dressing, all blessings flow.”