Kidney Foundation Grant Supports Renal Services

Thank you to the Kidney Foundation of Canada, BC & Yukon Branch for their generous $10,000 donation!
Approximately 180 patients each year use the services of four Kidney Dialysis Units located at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, within the greater Nanaimo area, Port Alberni and Cumberland.
The $10,000 grant will fund the purchase of new medical equipment to provide even better care for dialysis patients in our region. The new temporal thermometres will be more reliable in reading body temperatures. The new blood pressure monitors will replace aging machines that are not reading as accurately as they should due to age.
Randy Spensley, second from left, is a kidney transplant recipient. As a dialysis patient himself for four years, he knows first hand the importance of medical staff having the most up to date equipment to care for patients. Due to the care and support he has received, Randy is doing extremely well. And as an Engagement Officer – Community Initiatives with the Kidney Foundation, he is helping raise awareness about kidney disease, resources available and organ donation.