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More Dough from Cobs Bread’s Customers!

By Thank You!

Thank you to COBS Bread Pleasant Valley and all their customers who donated their spare change over the Christmas season! $212.85 was raised for the new surgical suite for the Endoscopy Department at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital!

Photo: Cobs Zara Gauthier and Rylee Ferguson

RCMP Veterans Support New Surgical Suite

By Thank You!

Thank you to the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Central Vancouver Island Division for their generous $500 donation! The funds will be used towards our campaign to build a new surgical suite for the Endoscopy Department at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. Once built, the new suite will help reduce wait times for colonoscopies, a vital procedure for the prevention, detection and treatment of colon cancer.

Photo: Janice Krall, Chief Development Officer, Hospital Foundation; Rick Steele, RCMP Veterans’ Association

Theatre Performance a Fundraising Success

By Thank You!

Thank you to the Nanaimo Theatre Group for making the Hospital Foundation their charity of choice for their preview performance of Cinderella! Yesterday, a packed house enjoyed a brilliant performance of a modern twist on this classic tale. We are grateful to the organizers, actors, volunteers and all who bought tickets to raise $3,027 in support of the Hospital Foundation and Nanaimo Regional General Hospital! The funds will help build the new surgical suite for the Endoscopy Department at NRGH.

Photo: Wendy Karpuik, Actor; Sheila Coultish, Executive Producer; Vera Kahan, Producer; Nikita Towe, Co-Director; Natasha Ballantyne, Co-Director

Continuing Education for Oncology Nurses

By Medical Staff Education
Keeping up with the latest knowledge in any discipline can be a challenge and medicine is no exception. We are committed to helping the incredible medical staff at NRGH provide the best patient care possible by funding participation in eligible workshops, conferences and other educational opportunities. The Hospital Foundation and medical staff are grateful to our donors who help us fund this important investment in healthcare for our community.
“On behalf of Rachel Gaskell and myself, Mercede Lander, we send a deep felt and appreciative thank you to the foundation for supporting our participation in the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO) conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba Oct 20-23, 2019.
The annual CANO conference provides us with valuable and applicable education and professional development specific to oncological care. Rachel and I were able to learn the latest best practice from experts in all aspects of oncology nursing, which in turn we are providing in service presentations to our colleagues at the Nanaimo Cancer Clinic leading to better care for our patients.”
Photo, from left to right, Mercede Lander, RN, BScN, CON (C); Linda Watson, President, CANO; Rachel Gaskell, RN, BScN