
Embracing Equity with Tia Anderson

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International Women’s Day 2023 – Embracing Equity with Tia Anderson 

Role: Owner & Installer

Department: Tia is a Commercial Floorer by trade, and is one of the hardworking contractors working on the future NRGH Intensive Care Unit.

Who do you primarily work with day to day?
My business partner and Husband primarily, helpers if we need extra hands on a job, contractors, and other trades.  Every day is different.

How long have you been in this field?
It will be 11 years as of April 1st 2023.

What is one (or some) of the most challenging, yet rewarding parts of being a woman in your career?
Respect. It can be a challenge not always but sometimes you have to earn it. (Doesn’t help that I look younger than I am and am only 5’3). I work hard, I stand up for what I know is right and I’m darn good at my job. I take pride in what I leave behind at the end of the day.

I recommend showing off in a safe manner – ‘She-Hulking’ as I like to call it. When it comes to doing my job, I’m very particular, and demand a high level of performance. I need other trades to finish their jobs before I can start mine sometimes, but I also need them out of my way once I start. Earning a mutual working respect with your colleagues, regardless of gender is incredibly rewarding.

How do you support other women in your field?
You don’t see a lot of women in flooring. We are out there, but it is not for everybody. It is a very physically challenging job. Most of the crews I have worked with I’ve been the sole female, but the people you work with know what you’re capable of and can help when you need it. You have to be willing to work hard but also admit when you need help – whether that is a man or a woman asking for a helping hand.

This year’s theme is Embracing Equality, how does this resonate with you in your workplace?
I don’t really see gender I just see people. But I know over the years woman have started to be far more welcomed on construction and trade sites. I wish I could say we are at a fully equitable level in this industry, but that isn’t true just yet, but it has gotten better and I am confident will continue to.

What you like to do in your spare time?
My hubbie and I have been together for 8 years. We have had our own company for 5 years.
We have our cat fur baby and hoping to start a human family in the next couple years.
On days off I love to bake! I like going rock hunting, build lego, and just relaxing!



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