Michaels Nanaimo donates to NRGH Paediatrics

Michaels Nanaimo donates to NRGH Paediatrics

Thank you to Michaels of Nanaimo for their generous donation of a Fun Centre for NRGH paediatrics! They raised the highest amount of all the Michaels Stores in Canada during the Company Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada Fundraiser in 2017. The Michaels Nanaimo employees collected over $2,400 with cashier Angela Grymuza being the top fundraiser, well done!

Lucy Lytton Memorial Scholarship

Lucy Lytton Memorial Scholarship

We were proud to be in attendance when Nanaimo Hospital Foundation supporter Roger Lytton presented the Lucy Lytton Memorial Scholarship to Ladysmith Secondary School graduates Mia Eilkinson and Shelly Ugalino. The bursary is awarded to two Grade 12 Ladysmith Secondary students who will be pursuing a career in a health field. Congratulations Mia and Shelly!

Peter Mansbridge congratulates Foundation’s CFO on award

Peter Mansbridge congratulates Foundation’s CFO on award

Foundation CFO, Susan Ryan had the honour of meeting Peter Mansbridge at the recent CPHR BC & Yukon Conference in Vancouver! Mr. Mansbridge moderated a panel of industry leaders in the Executive HR Forum, was a keynote speaker and tirelessly signed books at the Tradeshow. Sue is also the Chair of the Board of the CPHRBC and was honoured…