Thrifty Foods Pumpkin Sales Scare up $4,237 for NRGH

Photo, from left to right: Janice Perrino, CEO of the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation, Dan Zapotichny of Longwood Station Thrifty Foods and Mikel Knuttson from Port Place Mall.
For the month of October the Nanaimo & Parksville Thrifty Foods locations donate one dollar for every pumpkin sold to the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation to support local healthcare.
This recent gift of $4,237 will help purchase medical equipment at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH).
Janice Perrino, CEO of the Hospital Foundation, said “the dedication of Thrifty Foods to support progressive healthcare demonstrates the company’s vision to provide health and wellness for both its clients and staff.” Store managers emphasize that the donation would not be possible without their customers buying pumpkins each year.
Dan Zapotichny, Thrifty Foods manager at Long Wood Station said, “It is with our customers’ help that this donation is possible. We give because everyone uses the hospital, if we can help make it an even better place, with better equipment we will. I cannot think of a greater target for our donation.”