Photo left to right: Shauna Kazeil, Manager of Acute Pediatric & Perinatal Services, Child Youth & Family; Trina Knight, Clinical Coordinator Child Youth & Family; Sheri Shanahan, Jesse’s Gift (centre); Mark Durban, NICU RN; Lisa Bakker, NICU RN.
“Jesse’s Gift” was established three years ago to help other premature babies and their families facing health crises in hospital. Jesse Shanahan, the inspiration, passed away unexpectedly in 2013. Her parents, Mike and Sheri Shanahan, wanted to make a difference. Since that time, Jesse’s Gift has generated more than $35,000 for neonatal-specific equipment for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH).
This year Sheri, and co-organizers, held a successful Beer and Burger to fundraise for NRGH, with help from West Jet. The company donated flight vouchers to raffle at the event. As a result, Sheri presented $3,450 to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for the purchase of three “Neopuffs”. A Neopuff is a device used to support infant breathing at delivery. It is a unique pressure-controlled resuscitator designed specifically to protect the infant’s delicate lungs from being over-inflated. It also improves the baby’s oxygen levels, colour, and heart rate. There are nine incubator beds at the NRGH NICU that serve the needs of premature and ill infants.