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Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation donors are transforming healthcare in our community. Through their generous support we are reducing wait times for critical exams and procedures, providing medical teams with the most up to date equipment, and improving patient comfort and care. We are incredibly grateful for their unwavering commitment and dedication. Thank you!

Please scroll through or search below for a specific name/business


Child Health BC
Nanaimo Auxiliary to NRGH


Bracco Diagnostics Canada Inc.
Estate of Evelyn Hoad
Variety – The Children’s Charity


Alf Griffths
Coastal Community Credit Union
Estate of Harold Gordon Baker
Estate of Margaret Isobel Vogan
Estate of Marjorie Frances Smith
Fairwinds Golf Club
Anonymous Donor
In Recognition of Dr. Edward Cancade
Clifford J. Jackman
Patrick and Carolyn Kingsford
Roger C. Lytton
Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society
Our Lady Di
Quality Foods
Royal Canadian Legion #256 – Mt. Benson
Judge Stanley and Bernice Wardill
Wave Babes Dragon Boat Team
Windsor Plywood Foundation


Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Advanced Medical Optics
Archie and Primrose Anderson
Jack Arac
Bausch & Lomb
Bayer Inc
Jenna Beck
Robert and Elisabeth Bevis
Don and Marni Bold
Joanne L. Bourgeois
Gayle D. Bowles
Frank and Lorna Branchi
Robert and F. Sheila Bright
Toby and Joan Brown
John and Tessa Bryant

Linda A. Burrows
Canadian Tire
Cancor Cutting & Coring
Centra Windows
Centric Health Home Medical Equipment
Alister B. Chilton
William B. Chivers
CIBC Wood Gundy
Lorrie Coates
Gordon and Anne Collie
Cook Canada Inc.
James L. Corbett
Costco Wholesale Canada
Dr. David and Jane Coupland
Dr. Trevor D. Cradduck
Andrew and Helen Crawford
Adrian and Cheryl Curkowskyj
Earle and Catherine Dawson
DELL Perot Systems
Dr. Satish and Veena Desai
DJO Canada Inc
Dover Bay Wave Breakers Dragon Boat Team
Miss Betty Ellis
Hans R. Egli
ESC Automation
Estate of Margaret E. Coburn
Estate of Emily Joy Skatch
Estate of Frank Edward Smith
Elaine M. Evans
Fairwinds Ladies Golf Club
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101 – Ladies Auxiliary
Gabriola Dragonboat Society
Jock Gardiner
Arthur J. Geisler
GlaxoSmithKline Inc
Muriel A. Goldgruber
R. Allan Gould
Morris A. Graham
Graphic Office Interiors
Jim and Jean Greig
David W. Halliday
Maude Hanna
Archie Hannah
Charles and Dorothy Hardy
Nanaimo Hub City Lions
Nanaimo Lions Club
Harewood Arms Pub
Peter and Mary Harley
Harris Auto Group

Marga Henschel
Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Mary Holmes
Ken A. Holt
G. Daniel Hooper
In Memory of Joan M. Ellsworth
Beth Ellsworth-Boone
In Memory of J.T. (Trev) Evans
From the Family
In Memory of Trevor Evans
Kelly Good
In Memory of Trevor Evans
Denis and Wendy Tetreau
In Memory of John D. Fulton
Joan F. Fulton
In Memory of Ross Purse
Purse Family
IODE – Malaspina Chapter
Island Radio
Jeglerham Enterprises Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson Medical Products
Stewart Johnston
Kiwanis Club of Nanaimo Sunrisers
KKP Design & Print Centre
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
Knights of Columbus – Mid-Island Council 3842
Dr. Zenobia Kotwall
Hans and Louise Lehrke
London Drugs Foundation
Jim and Shirley MacDonald
Malcolm Macdonald
Charles and Ellen Madill
Dr. Jacque and Pamela Mar
Kathee March
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Peter and Hazel Masters
Ethan Matsuo
Dr. Kelly and Karm Matsuo
McKays Electronic Experts
John and Claudette McLenahan
Barbara V. McNab
Ruth J. McWhinnie
Mid Island Co-Op
Steve and Anne Middleton
More Than Mufflers
Morningstar Golf Club
Nanaimo Daily News/Harbour City Star
Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors Crafty Workers
Newcastle Women’s Institute
Roy and Francis Nichol

Penny E. Nienhuis
Northfield Volunteer Fire Department
Eileen L. O’Connor
Order of the Royal Purple Lodge #16
Owen Business Systems
Parksville Lioness Club
Parksville Lions Club
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Parksville/Qualicum Shrine Club #34
Keith A. and Joan F. Paton
Donald and Georgette Poole
Protection Island Lions Club
Qualicum Beach Cruise & Travel
Harkesh Rai
Raymac Environmental Services
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
Evelyn Rintala
Rocky Point Engineering
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion #10
Royal Canadian Legion #257 – Lantzville Ladies AuxiliaryIqbal and Gian Sahota
Gladys M. Salkus
Charles and Kathleen Sanderson
Jean Seaton
Sidney and Gladys Sharman
St. Joseph’s General Hospital
Victor and Patricia Simpson
Sink or Swim Scuba Inc.
Marilyn Smith
Stantec Consulting
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Dr. Robert G. Swain
Barry and Winnifred Swann
Technifield Contracting
TELUS Corporation
Jean M. Thomson
DDT Memorial Golf Tournament
Thrifty Foods
Tom Harris Cellular Ltd.
Uncle Sam’s Furniture
Paul and Johanne Sorensen
Roland and Ingeborg von Stackelberg
Dr. Roger and Carrol Tonkin
United Floors
Albert A. Watkins
Welly Waveriders Dragon Boat Team
Western Medical Contracting
Kevin Wilson
George and Martha Yanai
Brian and Margaret Yanda