Child Health BC
Nanaimo Auxiliary to NRGH
Bracco Diagnostics Canada Inc.
Estate of Evelyn Hoad
Variety – The Children’s Charity
Alf Griffths
Coastal Community Credit Union
Estate of Harold Gordon Baker
Estate of Margaret Isobel Vogan
Estate of Marjorie Frances Smith
Fairwinds Golf Club
Anonymous Donor
In Recognition of Dr. Edward Cancade
Clifford J. Jackman
Patrick and Carolyn Kingsford
Roger C. Lytton
Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society
Our Lady Di
Quality Foods
Royal Canadian Legion #256 – Mt. Benson
Judge Stanley and Bernice Wardill
Wave Babes Dragon Boat Team
Windsor Plywood Foundation
Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Advanced Medical Optics
Archie and Primrose Anderson
Jack Arac
Bausch & Lomb
Bayer Inc
Jenna Beck
Robert and Elisabeth Bevis
Don and Marni Bold
Joanne L. Bourgeois
Gayle D. Bowles
Frank and Lorna Branchi
Robert and F. Sheila Bright
Toby and Joan Brown
John and Tessa Bryant