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Your gift will help ensure everyone living on Central Vancouver Island has access to improved healthcare.

At the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation, we aim to build a sense of connection and belonging within the hospital itself, supporting the incredible healthcare workers who tirelessly deliver exceptional care. At the same time, we’re building a community among you—our donors and supporters—because this is your Foundation. We hope you take pride in being part of something so much bigger than any of us individually: improving healthcare for everyone in the Central and North Island.
Our tagline, “It’s in our nature to give,” reflects the generous and compassionate spirit that binds us together.
Thank you for being part of this incredible community, whether you are one of the 2,933 individuals who donated in our 2024 fiscal year or one of the many more who follow and engage with our work in other ways. Your support makes everything we do possible, and your belief in our shared mission inspires us to keep pushing forward.

Our Wall of Gratitude at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital continues to grow each year.

Our Wall of Gratitude

With thanks to our Generous Donors

Child Health BC
Diane & Gordon Heys
Estate of Ronald Charles Sulley
Nanaimo Hospital Auxiliary
The Lamb Family
Windsor Plywood Foundation

Bert H. Badey
Lucille & Dwaine Barclay
Bracco Diagnostics Canada Inc.
The Brett Family
Lori Broadfoot
Canadian Tire Corporation
Florence M. Chapman
CIBC Wood Gundy
Lorna M. Cliffe
Coastal Community Credit Union
Coastland Wood Industries Ltd.
In Loving Memory of Linda Dianne Cowling
Zoe E. Dawson
Alan Deines
Pat Docherty Memorial
Estate of Margaret Nina Barr
Estate of Leopold Beier
Estate of Marguerite Elizabeth Blackert
Estate of Frances Brassard
Estate of Joan D. Brown
Estate of Robert Frederick Burgess
Estate of Floyd Jackson Campbell
Estate of David Danelo Chobzey
Estate of Eldred Emery Classen
Estate of Margaret E. Coburn
Estate of Daphne Brenda Cooper
Estate of James Lawrence Corbett
Estate of William Dunbar
Estate of Rose Fehr
Estate of Gerald Leslie Fetterly
Estate of Lynn Thomas Gamble
Estate of Bessie Gibson
Estate of Alfred Joseph Griffiths
Estate of Lucy Hawkins
Estate of Evelyn Hoad
Estate of Mary Holmes
Estate of Colleen Rose Imber
Estate of Kathleen Constance Dierdre Jull
Estate of Kurt Koloska
Estate of Edith Lenhart
Estate of Liselotte Berta Johanna Leynard
Estate of Patricia Anne MacPherson
Estate of Delores Mason
Edward & Sheila Mayhew
Estate of Anne Eve McConnell
Estate of George McIntyre
Estate of Norman McMillan
Estate of Ruth Joyce McWhinnie
Estate of Viola Patricia Alice Muskett
Estate of Michael Patrick Noonan
Estate of Anders Mossin Olesen
Estate of Edna May Ormond
Estate of Doris Edith Patten
Estate of Phyllis Cecelia Palmer
Estate of Stanislaw Radzik
Estate of Rosalind Mary Ruddock
Estate of Charles F. Sanderson
Estate of Joan Skogan
Estate of Frank Edward Smith
Estate of Barry Clifford Swann
Estate of Janet Ruth Taylor
Estate of Margaret Helen Thomson
Estate of Margaret Isobel Vogan
E-Z-EM Canada Inc.
Fairwinds Golf Club
Ghazi & Janet Farooq, Phds
Gladys & Ricky Trust
Alf Griffiths
Tony & Leslie Harris
Harris Auto Group
Cliff Jackman
Eileen M. Jackson
Jim Pattison Broadcast Group
Balvir Joshi
Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary
Roger C. Lytton
Catherine & William MacMunn
In Memory of Rosie-Jean McKenzie
Mid Island Co-op
Roger, Carolyn & Jack Morrisey
Vera A. Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation
Nanaimo Community Foundation
Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society
Nanaimo Port Authority
Newman’s Own Foundation
Northfield Volunteer Fire Dept.
Shirley-Anne Osborne
Quality Foods
RBC Foundation
RBC Royal Bank
Rotary Club of Nanaimo
Royal Canadian Legion Mt. Benson #256
Shields Foundation
Sidney R. & Gladys L. Sharman Foundation through the Victoria Foundation
Rudolf Steinmetz
TB Vets Charitable Foundation
TD Bank
TELUS Corporation
The Sutherland Foundation
Thrifty Foods
Tim Hortons
Tom Harris Community Foundation
Patricia & Thorne Underwood
Variety – The Children’s Charity
Jon & Kim Waddell
Wave Babes Dragon Boat Team
Marjorie Wilkie.

100 Women Who Care Mid-Vancouver Island
Walker & Laura Addison
Robert Delaney & Joanne Caple
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Estate of Marvin Daychakowski
Kanwaljit & Parwinder Grewal
Hazelwood Construction
Douglas & Teri Hitchen
Island Savings
JAGG Asset Management Ltd.
K S G Consulting Ltd.
G. Terry & Diane Kellam
Anne & Erling Larson
Lindblad Family
Madrona Imaging Inc.
MARANSON Holdings Inc.
Richard & Anuradha Mayer
Greg R. McCarley
McNally Family Foundation
Rod & Tanis Milner
In Memory of William Aylwin Parker
William J. Pittendreigh
R.W. (Bob) Wall Ltd.
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Bruce & Edith Tait and Family
Tanrod Holdings Ltd.
Wenner Group
Wespro Drywall Inc.
Widdershoven Family

Anne-Louise Boyd
Robert Delaney & Joanne Caple
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Dr. Bill & Janice Croft
Estate of William Roger Giles
Estate of Dorothy Jean Patterson
Bob & Edie Ford
The Lake Family’s All One Fund
Erling & Anne Larson
The Family of Sonny & Nan Lee
Lindblad Family
MARANSON Holdings Inc.
Richard & Anuradha Mayer
McNally Family Foundation
Nanaimo Lions Club
William J. Pittendreigh
R.W. (Bob) Wall Ltd.
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Daybreak
R. Bryan Rudgard
Jean-Marie Russell & Dr. James Chamberlaine
Wenner Group
Wespro Drywall Inc.

Robert Delaney & Joanne Caple
David Cowling
Deryck Cowling
Estate of Ida Elizabeth Cooper
Estate of William Roger Giles
Estate of John Leslie Ruckledge
Estate of Julia Szasz
Bob & Edie Ford
Rob Grey & Melanie Donohue
Harbour City Bingo Society
Kidney Foundation of Canada
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd.
Erling & Anne Larson
The Family of Sonny & Nan Lee
Lighthouse Bible Baptist Church
McNally Family Foundation
In Appreciation of Dr. David Forrest & Dr. John Ronald – the Newton Family
Parksville Lioness Club
William J. Pittendreigh
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
Wenner Group
Westwood Metals Ltd.
Allison Wood

Jean & Leslie Bird
Robert Delaney & Joanne Caple
Estate of Thomas Ernest Davis
Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd.
Nancy F. Lee
In Memory of Arnie Loxam – Loxam Family
Greg McCarley
McDougall Family Foundation
Nanaimo News Bulletin
John & Nancy Peirce
William J. Pittendreigh
Shansa Holdings Inc.
Wenner Group

In Memory of Jean Dunsmore & Edward Victor Anderson
Kanwaljit S. Grewal
Victor & Muriel Jones
The Kidney Foundation of Canada
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Royal Canadian Legion Mt. Arrowsmith #49
Shansa Holdings Inc.
Wenner Group

100 Women Who Care – Mid-Vancouver Island
In Memory of Neil Bourne – Mary A. McKenzie
In Memory of Jean Dunsmore & Edwin Victor Anderson
Estate of Rita Marjory Blomer
Estate of Marjorie Marling Greene
Estate of Jewellien Ellen Parkhouse
In Memory of Lillian Eva & George James Harding – Ian & Gwen Bailey
Audrey M. Hinksman
Kimberly-Clark Inc.
Miri Piri Darbar Sikh Gurduwara
Nanaimo Honda
Shansa Holdings Inc.
Vancouver Island Tribute Festival
Wenner Group

Anne-Louise Boyd
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Darrell & Robin Oswald
Estate of Marga Anneliese Henschel
Estate of Laura Jean Nicoll
Estate of Charles Herman Simmons
Estate of Patricia Beryl Watts
Dr. Keith & Kathleen Lindsay
Robert Majewski
Paul & Sharon Varga
Vancouver Island Tribute Festival
Wenner Group
Muriel Woollard

Walker & Laura Addison
Dr. Gurcharanjit & Gurdev Attariwala
CHEK Media Group
Estate of Alice May Crozier
Estate of Alva Georgina Wyatt
Cliff & Diane Farmer
Arthur & Audrey Hinksman
Nanaimo Airport Commission
Nanaimo Hospitality Association
Darrell & Robin Oswald
Gisela Pallas
Dr. Niels Schwarz
Wenner Group

CHEK Media Group
In Memory of Linda Dianne Cowling – Deryck Cowling
Estate of Joan Barnes
Estate of William Frederick Garbett
Estate of Mary Dormer Holmes
Estate of Jean Frances Prentice
Estate of Phyllis Lillean Thomas
Estate of Phyllis Elaine Wilson
Anthony Feigel & Phyllis Scott-Feigel
Dr. Niels Schwarz
Wai On Foundation

Valerie M. Booth
Anne (Penny) Boyd
In Memory of Toby (Glen) Brown – Joan, Jack, Yvonne, Nancy, Harvey & their Families
In Memory of Elizabeth Demeter – Julia Szasz
Estate of Erika Berta Lockwood
Estate of Stephen Mathews
Estate of Elsie Agnes Rolfsen
Estate of Phyllis Lillean Thomas
Estate of Marie Lina Yates Watson
Alex & Anna Fowler
Ken S. Grewal
Howard & Delphine Johnston
Vancouver Boat Show
Bert H. Badey
Lucille & Dwaine Barclay
Bracco Diagnostics Canada Inc.
The Brett Family
Lori Broadfoot
Canadian Tire Corporation
Florence M. Chapman
CIBC Wood Gundy
Lorna M. Cliffe
Coastal Community Credit Union
Coastland Wood Industries Ltd.
In Loving Memory of Linda Dianne Cowling
Zoe E. Dawson
Alan Deines
Pat Docherty Memorial
Estate of Margaret Nina Barr
Estate of Leopold Beier
Estate of Marguerite Elizabeth Blackert
Estate of Frances Brassard
Estate of Joan D. Brown
Estate of Robert Frederick Burgess
Estate of Floyd Jackson Campbell
Estate of David Danelo Chobzey
Estate of Eldred Emery Classen
Estate of Margaret E. Coburn
Estate of Daphne Brenda Cooper
Estate of James Lawrence Corbett
Estate of William Dunbar
Estate of Rose Fehr
Estate of Gerald Leslie Fetterly
Estate of Lynn Thomas Gamble
Estate of Bessie Gibson
Estate of Alfred Joseph Griffiths
Estate of Lucy Hawkins
Estate of Evelyn Hoad
Estate of Mary Holmes
Estate of Colleen Rose Imber
Estate of Kathleen Constance Dierdre Jull
Estate of Kurt Koloska
Estate of Edith Lenhart
Estate of Liselotte Berta Johanna Leynard
Estate of Patricia Anne MacPherson
Estate of Delores Mason
Edward & Sheila Mayhew
Estate of Anne Eve McConnell
Estate of George McIntyre
Estate of Norman McMillan
Estate of Ruth Joyce McWhinnie
Estate of Viola Patricia Alice Muskett
Estate of Michael Patrick Noonan
Estate of Anders Mossin Olesen
Estate of Edna May Ormond
Estate of Doris Edith Patten
Estate of Phyllis Cecelia Palmer
Estate of Stanislaw Radzik
Estate of Rosalind Mary Ruddock
Estate of Charles F. Sanderson
Estate of Joan Skogan
Estate of Frank Edward Smith
Estate of Barry Clifford Swann
Estate of Janet Ruth Taylor
Estate of Margaret Helen Thomson
Estate of Margaret Isobel Vogan
E-Z-EM Canada Inc.
Fairwinds Golf Club
Ghazi & Janet Farooq, Phds
Gladys & Ricky Trust
Alf Griffiths
Tony & Leslie Harris
Harris Auto Group
Cliff Jackman
Eileen M. Jackson
Jim Pattison Broadcast Group
Balvir Joshi
Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary
Roger C. Lytton
Catherine & William MacMunn
In Memory of Rosie-Jean McKenzie
Mid Island Co-op
Roger, Carolyn & Jack Morrisey
Vera A. Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation
Nanaimo Community Foundation
Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society
Nanaimo Port Authority
Newman’s Own Foundation
Northfield Volunteer Fire Dept.
Shirley-Anne Osborne
Quality Foods
RBC Foundation
RBC Royal Bank
Rotary Club of Nanaimo
Royal Canadian Legion Mt. Benson #256
Shields Foundation
Sidney R. & Gladys L. Sharman Foundation through the Victoria Foundation
Rudolf Steinmetz
TB Vets Charitable Foundation
TD Bank
TELUS Corporation
The Sutherland Foundation
Thrifty Foods
Tim Hortons
Tom Harris Community Foundation
Patricia & Thorne Underwood
Variety – The Children’s Charity
Jon & Kim Waddell
Wave Babes Dragon Boat Team
Marjorie Wilkie

Elaine Carter Anderson
Sandra M. Anderson
Mary Arbanas
David Booth
Rick Buecking
John Caines
Daniel Jonathan Commander
David R. Connolly
Joan Drennan
Gail Dudley
Terry Dyer
Margaret Foggett
Michael James Foster
Ted Fraser
Herbert Froedrich
Howard & Esther Gawley – Estelle
Henry Goldsworthy – Arlone Jensen
Robert (Bob) Gomerich
Phyllis Gould
Robert G. Harvey
Audrey M. Hinksman
Beth Hunter – Lee, Suzan & Thomas Grimmer
Trudy Krall – Tyson & Janice Krall
Charles Martin
Mary Ann McCrory – Tony McCrory
Donna M. Mitenko
Cliff Morton
Warren Peter
William E. Phillips
Brenda Pirie – Kim Pirie
Catherine (Cathie) Purchase
Daniel Ruel
Nellie Sholund – Dennis & Christine Sillers
Gerrit Sillem
Don Snell – Danielle
Bill Stein – Dorothy
Lorraine Stewart – David Stewart
Jim & Sheila Thomason
Birgit Wallberg
Mary & Frank Zver

Lucille Caines
Moira Dillingham
Terry Dyer
Bruce Erickson
Margaret Foggett
Louie Foucher – Shirley Foucher
Sylvia Frederiksen
Robert Gomerich
Melinda Louise Harrison
Marie Louise Hesser
Raymond Paul Honig
Pauline Hubick
Peter Kellas
Trudy Krall – Tyson & Janice Krall
Bob Manley
Mary Ann McCrory – Tony McCrory
Barbara McNab
Donna M. Mitenko
Cliff Morton
Baldev & Mohinder Parmar
Catherine (Cathie) Purchase
Jack & Elaine Rosenberg – Lisa & David Rosenberg
Brenda Rositano – Avary Dyce
Brenda Rositano – Bruno Rositano
Frankie Sam
David Scobie
John Skalos
Lorraine Stewart – David Stewart
Sharon Tettamanti
Audrey Van Schubert
George Vincent-Lambert
Gertrude Walker
Christina Wilson
Mary & Frank Zver

Susan Abermann
Dr. Boyouk Alasti
Frieda Bakes
Jacqueline Boorman
Clive E. Davis
Dr. Joseph Makhan Dube
Douglas DuFeu
Joan Eldridge – Margaret & Howard Lloyd
Alfred & Elsie Fletcher
Margaret Foggett
Howard & Esther Gawley – Estelle
Leona Green
Catherine Anne Hall
Marguerita Harrod
Audrey M. Hinksman
Peter Jaeger
Lily Beatrice Keeble
Anne Kraskin
Arnie Loxam – Loxam Family
William Manuel
Sharon Ann Marie Marr
Mary Ann McCrory – Tony McCrory
Shirley McLellan
Barbara McNab
Donna M. Mitenko
Roger & Jack Morrisey
Clifford Kenneth Morton
Shirley Anne Muir
Garrett Paquette
Doug Pearson
Warren Peter
Catherine (Cathie) Purchase
Norman Rishworth
Frank Rosar
Norman Smith – Randall & Roya Smith
Don Snell – Danielle
Lorraine Stewart – David Stewart
Nancy Taylor
Maryanne Turley

George Blasutig – Love Alice & Family
Dr. Gordon Blott – Doug & Barb Blott
Violet Brown
Leo Chow
Elsie Fletcher
Moria Fraser
Dorothy Hardy – Charles Hardy
Audrey M. Hinksman
Howard & Esther Gawley – Estelle
Sybille Dorothea Jones
Doreen Ketchen
Dr. Thomas Kirk
William Manuel
Mary Ann McCrory – Tony McCrory
Shirley McLellan
Brenda Rositano – Avary Dyce
Antonio Sedola
E. June Smith – Randall & Roya Smith
Dr. Robert G. Swain
Sharon Tettamanti
Patricia Treadwell
David Wallace
Marg & Bill Williamson
Dennis Wrightson

Jeffrey Craig
Gale A. Currie
Lance Ewan
Allan A. Fallis
Rod Fedosoff
Howard & Esther Gawley – Estelle
Sodar Singh Gill – Kanwaljit K. Grewal & Katar S. Grewal
Sheila Greenwood
John D Haydock
Sukhjit Hundal – Kanwaljeet Khurana
Beth Hunter – Lee, Suzan & Thomas Grimmer
Deirdre Ireland
Lee & Dorothy Irving
Joyce Kerr
Irma Melville
Lester P. Mitchell
Ian Munro
Bonnie C. Patterson
Brenda Rositano
David A. Savard
E. June Smith – The Family

Neil Bourne
Phyllis Carter – Janet Glanfield
Roy G. Clark – Marilyn Clark
Eric G. Fawdry – VanMar Constructors
Robert Gomerich – Karen Gomerich
John Hanlan – Richard Hanlan
Lillian & George Harding
Heinrich H. Hermanns – Deolinda Hermanns
Isabel M. Highet – Alastair Highet
Sharon Ann Marie Marr
Kenneth C. Moore
Robert W. Murray – Dr. R. Lynn Stevenson
Chanan S. Sandhu
Robert Swain – Jane Barnes
William Zurba – Wayne & Darlene Latremouille

Margot Bierling – Harald Reudelsdorf
Cathy Bourcier
Joseph & Magdalena Burghardt – Gisela Schoenebeck
Helen M. Butterworth
Joan D. Chitto – Gian Carlo Chitto
Donna Dutton
Margaret J. Foggett
Shirley A. Jones – Kenneth E. Jones
Shirley A. Jones – Patricia M. Simpson
Henry H. Lust
Henryk Maik – Iona M. Stephens
Garrett R. Paquette – Roger Paquette
Bob Peters – Pam Harris
Bob & Kay Peters – Glen Peters & Paul Peters
Deryl G. Rose
John M. Stedman
Jacobus S. Stigter – Gian Carlo Chitto

James P. Callanan
Kathleen A. Davy
Ghazi Farooq
Lise Ferland
James W. Greig
Firozali Kassam
William R. Maartman
Elizabeth MacMillan
Robert W. Manning
Joseph Markusic
Myles S. Novak
William A. Parker
John F. Paul
George H. Pilbrow
Maureen Van Snellenberg
Ka Young Woo

Linda D. Cowling
Cliff J. Farmer
Robert & Mary Fawcus – Joan, Toby, Jack, Nancy & their Families
James W. Greig
John Hanlan
Bill Katerenchuk
Peter Kistler
Maxine Owens
Margaret Roberts
Charn K. Sandhu
Lorraine P. Shayer
Beatrice E. Smoker
Trudi P. Sturlis
Shirley M. Young

David G. Booth
May E. Boyd
Glen I. Brown – Joan, Jack, Yvonne, Nancy, Harvey & their Families
John G. Cochrane
Jack & Bea Crowson – Barbara Hurst
Patricia R. Davies – Gary B. Davies
Elizabeth Demeter
Norman D. Harris
Kornelei Kereluk
Mike J. Komen
Shannon G. MacKay
Archie A. McNab & Barbara V. McNab – Jessie McNab & Stan DuBiel
Ruth E. Middlemass
Beatrice (Molly) Nicol – Barnstead Family
Robert D. Ogston – Ogston Family
Bill & Avril Pearson – Gary Pearson
Leona P. Poulin
Deryl G. Rose

Abreast of Life C.V.I. Dragon Boat Team
Acera Insurance, formerly Megson FitzPatrick
Bob & Helen Adam
Ainsworth Inc.
Jennifer A. Alder
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Elspeth Anderson
Lois Andruski
Alf Angell
John B. Arac
Ardent Properties Inc.
Wilma & Tony Arruda
Atlas Engineered Products Ltd.
Ian & Gwen Bailey
Warren & Beverley Banks
Shirley & Alan Bays
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Edward Beaven
Karen Bell
Bellamy Orthodontics
Sharon Bellinger
Chris & Allena Bergen
Sukhbir Bhangu
Lynn Bice
Bird Construction
Philip Birrer & Christine Jenkins
Blue Equipment Repair Ltd.
Greg & Arlene Blundell
Anne-Louise Boyd
Nona & Brian Brack
Patricia L. Branch
Phil & Kate Brookman
Robert B. Brooks
Teresa & Jack Buckingham
C & J Barton Foundation
Canterbury Coffee Corporation
Dale Carlson
Mary & Derek Carr
Amyra Carsh
Aurele & Barbara Caumartin
Child Youth Family Department NRGH
Leo S. Choy
Christopher Foundation
B. Chyplyk
Walter & Marion Clark
Coast Distributors (Nanaimo) Ltd.
Coastal View Homes
Cobs Bread
Douglas & Vickeri Cochrane
Ronald & Andrea Commander
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club
Country Club Centre Ltd.
Robert & Linda Coutts
Prof. Trevor Cradduck & Gisele Roeder
Dr. Bill & Janice Croft
Laurie Crossan
Dr. Patricia M. Crosson
Allan & Margorie Crowe
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyj
Eduardo & Marilyn Dagsaan
Jack & Jacqueline de Jong
Ray & June Dodson
Mr. John Dover & Mrs. Robin Curry
Brian Dugaro
Rick Duifhuis, Jr.
Dwayne & Brenda Dunn
Sheila & Mike Durnin
Larry & Mary Duval
Timothy Dwane
E.N. Painting
Eagle Aerie Gallery
Doug & Angela Einarson
Marci & Rod Ekland
Barney Ellis-Perry & Doug Brockway
Casey & Patricia Entius
Susan L. Epp
Estate of Donald Paul Forney
Estate of Dorothy Jean Patterson
F & M Installations Ltd.
Ken & Phyllis Fanning
Michael J. Finch
Genevieve & Nick F
Rosemary & Tito Fontenla
David Forget
Fraternal Order of Eagles #2101 – Ladies Auxiliary
David R. Friesen
Gina Gall
Doug Galloway
Jackie Gelling
Maya & Klaus Gerick
Robert & Denise-Mary Gervais
Ross Gilley & Airlie Pinkerton
Edward & Kathryn Girard
Glazier Construction
Gloria Palinkas Physical Therapist Corp
Shannon Gorgichuk’s 40th
Judith & Harvey Graham
Grant Thornton LLP
Graphic Office Interiors Ltd.
Great Canadian Casinos Inc. – Casino Nanaimo
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Alan & Marlene Gustafson
David Hammond
Harbour City Plumbing & Gas Ltd.
Barbara Ann Harling
Dr. Jon & Mrs. Marina Hawkeswood
Herold Engineering Ltd.
Norma & Robert Hinds
Hi-Tec Industries Ltd.
Jan L. Hoffos
Tom & Shelley Holmes
Dale & Doreen Huston
C. Norman & Arleen Ingram
Insulpro Insulation Inc.
J. E. Anderson & Associates
Jacek Martin Foundation
Keith & Noreen Jeffrey
Alice Jensen
Scott Johnston
Johnston Franklin Bishop
Victor & Muriel Jones
Charles & Sharon Joynson
Marilynn Kathrein
Michael & Karen Kenyon
Andrew Kettner
Ian & Karen King
Dave & Maureen Kirk
Malcolm & JoAnne Knapman
Knight Bligh Family Wealth Management
Knights of Columbus – Mid-Island Council 3842
T.K. Krall
Leonard & Sharon Krog
John B. Laing
Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community
Peter & Gloria Lam
Mrs. Elizabeth Leach
Lenhart Agencies Ltd.
Margaret Litch and Ron Schwartz
Little Mountain Landscaping
Lohn Foundation
London Drugs Foundation
Joyce Lust
Tina Lutz
M & B Foundation
Malcolm Macdonald
R. Lorne MacFarland
Peter & Janice Maddison
Skip Marsh
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Francis & Darlene McFarland
Susan McGorman
McLaren-Sturm Family
David McLauchlin
Darlene McLeod & Family
McNab’s Corn Maze
Steve Melin
Meyers Norris Penny
Steve & Anne Middleton
Lorne Mills
Milner Group Ventures Inc.
Dr. Andrew & Christine Mitchell
V. Jeannett Monkman
Robert & Anneli Muir
Alastair & Leslie Myer
Nanaimo Airport Commission
Nanaimo Community Church
Nanaimo Honda
Nanaimo Theatre Group
Nanoose Bay Lions
Steve & Debbie Neil
New Image Home Furnishings Ltd.
Alison & Don North
Chris & Kelsey Nudd
Marilyn & Danny O’Hara
Julian & Susan Packer
Parksville Chrysler Ltd.
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Douglas Paterson
Tammy Paton
Dr. Jane Pegg
PepsiCo Beverages Canada
Monique Plourde
Derrill & Pauline Prevett
Manly Price
Provincial Health Services Authority
John & Pat Purves
Bonnie Rapaport
RCMP Veterans Association Central Vancouver Island Div
Bill & Gillian Redpath
Greg & Winn Rehill
Neil & Viv Reinhart
Adrian & Helen Rice
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd
Michael H. Rogers
Jim & Audrey Rose
Rotary Club of Lantzville
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Daybreak
Dale Rowe
Royal Canadian Legion #49 Parksville
Royal Canadian Legion Mt. Arrowsmith #49, Ladies Auxiliary
Royal Canadian Legion #211
R. Bryan Rudgard
Maureen Rumney
Jean-Marie Russell & Dr. James Chamberlaine
Russell Family
Susan J. Ryan
Patrick & Alida Sali
Dr. Sean & Dr. Aileen Saunders
Maria Sedola & Family
Stephen & Gloria Shabbits
Peter Siemens & Carol-Ann Borody-Siemen
Don Slaughter
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Mike Smith
Mr. G.C. Smyth
Krystyna Sosulski
Christopher Southgate & Patricia French
Sheila & Roger Southin
George A. Spencer & Family
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
John & Jill Stedman
Dr. Richard & Gail Steinberg
Gerry Sugiyama
Dr. Martin SuttonBrown
Deborah & Jim
TD Wealth Private Giving Foundation
Elizabeth & Richard Thompson
Sally Topley
Treetop Marketing & Promotions Inc.
Dr. Paul & Elizabeth Trepanier
Trillium Boutique Senior Living
Jim Turley
UMC Charity
Elisabeth Van Kampen
Vancouver Island Construction Association
Frances Vargo
Pauline & George Venner
Mollie & Don Walls Charitable Gift Fund
Fleming Wang & Mary Rose Sun
Michael Wansink
Catherine Watson
James & Beverly Watson
Wendy Wedge
Western Medical Canada Inc.
Westshore Electrical Ltd.
Westwood Metals Ltd.
Gerald V. Whidden
R. Whitehead
Jack & Hazel Whittaker
Ken & Betty Wong
Woodgrove Centre
Yellow Point Drywall

Abreast of Life C.V.I. Dragon Boat Team
Barry & Sharon Ainslie
Air Canada Pionairs Vancouver Island
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Lois Andruski
John B. Arac
Ardent Properties Inc.
Atlas Engineered Products Ltd.
Thomas & Lorraine Bates
Joy & Chester Bauer
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Edward Beaven
Karen Bell
Bellamy Orthodontics
Sharon Bellinger
Chris & Allena Bergen
Philip Birrer & Christine Jenkins
Valerie M. Booth
Nona & Brian Brack
Patricia L. Branch
Lorna Branchi
Robert Bresden
Robert B. Brooks
Teresa & Jack Buckingham
Business Examiner Media Group
C & J Barton Foundation
Terence Cagney
Canterbury Coffee Corporation
Aurele & Barbara Caumartin
Central Drugs Stores Ltd.
Leo S. Choy
Christopher Foundation
Walter & Marion Clark
Coastal View Homes
Cobs Bread
David & Carolyn Collyer
Ronald & Andrea Commander
Country Club Centre Ltd.
Prof. Trevor Cradduck & Gisele Roeder
Cynthia & Larry Crawford
Jennie Cummer
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyj
D.W. Holme Land Surveying Inc.
Eduardo & Marilyn Dagsaan
Deborah & Jim
Ray & June Dodson
Brian Dugaro
Rick Duifhuis, Jr.
Don & Brendon Dumont
Malcolm Dunnett
Sheila & Mike Durnin
Larry & Mary Duval
Dr. William Ehman
Doug & Angela Einarson
Marci & Rod Ekland
Casey & Patricia Entius
ESC Automation
Estate of Thomas Ernest Davis
Estate of Ellen Alice Evans
Estate of Howard William Meeker
Ken & Phyllis Fanning
Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Michael J. Finch
First General Services of Vancouver Island
Rosemary & Tito Fontenla
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #15
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101, Ladies Auxiliary
David R. Friesen
Gina Gall
Doug Galloway
C & K Garver
Jackie Gelling
Robert & Denise-Mary Gervais
Ross Gilley & Airlie Pinkerton
Judith & Harvey Graham
Graphic Office Interiors Ltd.
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Harcharan & Balbinder Grewal
Alan & Marlene Gustafson
Tracy L. Hamilton
David Hammond
Harbour City Plumbing & Gas Ltd.
Wayne & Barbara Harling
Harmac Pacific Employees
Tony & Leslie Harris
Herold Engineering Ltd.
Norma & Robert Hinds
Bradley Hodson
Tom & Shelley Holmes
How’Bout Holding Co. Ltd.
Dale & Doreen Huston
Indo-Canadian Business Professionals
C. Norman & Arleen Ingram
Insulpro Insulation Inc.
Island Self Storage Ltd.
J.E. Anderson & Associates
Jacek Martin Foundation
JAGG Asset Management Ltd
JCM Professional Mini Storage Mgt. Ltd.
Alice Jensen
Scott Johnston
Ian & Karen King
Dave & Maureen Kirk
Myrna & Bill Kiverago
Knight Bligh Family Wealth Management
Dr. Zenobia A. Kotwall
T.K. Krall
Leonard & Sharon Krog
Dr. Francis Lacouvee Inc.
Ladysmith Lions Club
Dr. Kevin Lai
John B. Laing
Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community
Wayne & Darlene Latremouille
Lenhart Agencies Ltd.
London Drugs Foundation
Longwood Brewery Ltd.
Carmel P. Lowe
Susan P. Maartman
Malcolm Macdonald
R. Lorne MacFarland
Peter & Janice Maddison
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Greg R. McCarley
Jim & Jillian McGlenen
Susan McGorman
McLaren-Sturm Family
David McLauchlin
Kelly McQuillen
Steve Melin
Meyers Norris Penny
MFC Holdings
Steve & Anne Middleton
Milner Group Ventures Inc.
Dr. Andrew & Christine Mitchell
V. Jeannett Monkman
Sean & Vera Moore
F & L Morrissey
Mosaic Forest Management
Robert & Anneli Muir
Ian & Frances Murray
Nanaimo Airport Commission
Nanaimo Hub City Lions Club
Nanaimo Newcomers 21st Century Alumni
Nanoose Bay Lions
Steve & Debbie Neil
Alison & Don North
Francine & Michael O’Donnell
Marilyn & Danny O’Hara
Gordon & Grace Olafson
B & K Orchyk
Julian & Susan Packer
Palinkas Family
Therese & Joseph Pap
Clint & Kim Parcher
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Douglas Paterson
Dr. Jane Pegg
PepsiCo Beverages Canada
Edward C. Peter
Dr. Giorgio Petricca Inc.
Bill & Evelyn Phillips
Grant Pilon & Darleen Anderson
Derrill & Pauline Prevett
Manly Price
Greg & Winn Rehill
Neil & Viv Reinhart
Ripplecove Investments Ltd.
Maureen Risley
Richard & Jacquie Robinson
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd
Michael H. Rogers
Beryl Rooney
Jim & Audrey Rose
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Oceanside
Dale Rowe
Royal Canadian Legion #211
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion #49 – Parksville
Royal LePage/Nanaimo Realty
Susan J. Ryan
Patrick & Alida Sali
Stephen & Gloria Shabbits
Cindy Shantz
Sylvia Shedden
Don Slaughter
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Mike Smith
Helen E. Smyth
Christopher Southgate & Patricia French
Sheila & Roger Southin
Stage Left Partners Ltd.
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Dr. Richard & Gail Steinberg
Jack & Susan Stephens
Strong Nations Publishing Inc.
Gerry Sugiyama
David B. Tayelor
TD Wealth Private Giving Foundation
Elizabeth & Richard Thompson
Carrol Tonkin
Sally Topley
Chuck & Carole Toy
Dr. Paul & Elizabeth Trepanier
Elisabeth Van Kampen
Rob & Audrey Van Schubert
Frances Vargo
Don Varney
Orville & Patricia Wagar
Mollie & Don Walls Charitable Gift Fund
Ryan & Alicia Wenner
Allan West
Western Medical Canada Inc.
Westwood Metals Ltd.
Gerald V. Whidden
Ken & Betty Wong
Woodgrove Centre

ABC Recycling
Walker & Laura Addison
Barry & Sharon Ainslie
Dr. Boyouk Alasti
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Elspeth Anderson
Lois Andruski
John B. Arac
B.D. Mitchell Prosthetic & Orthotic
Ian & Gwen Bailey
Jerry & Shirley Bailey
Thomas & Lorraine Bates
Bob & Kim Bayliss
Karen Bell
Sharon Bellinger
Duncan Bell-Irving
Belron Canada
Chris & Allena Bergen
BMO Investment Inc.
Valerie M. Booth
The Boultbee Family
Anne-Louise Boyd
Nona & Brian Brack
Capt. Bram & Marijke Oudshoorn
Dr. Lillian Bramwell
Patricia L. Branch
Lorna Branchi
Norm & Kevie Brigden
Robert B. Brooks
Ronald Bull & Christine Guest
C & J Barton Foundation
Terence Cagney
Dr. Chris & Andrea Cameron
Canterbury Coffee Corporation
Mary & Derek Carr
Amyra Carsh
Aurele & Barbara Caumartin
Esther M. Chisholm
Leo S. Choy
Christopher Foundation
Walter & Marion Clark
Joyce Clarke
Coast Distributors (Nanaimo) Ltd.
Coastal Community Private Wealth
Coastal View Homes
Cobs Bread
Douglas & Vickeri Cochrane
Wilda Colyn
Ronald & Andrea Commander
Colin Cooper
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club
Dr. Dave & Roslyn Coupland
Prof. Trevor Cradduck & Gisele Roeder
Cynthia & Larry Crawford
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyj
Jack & Jacqueline de Jong
Don and Nancy Dempson
Jan Dicks
Dr. Drew & Melanie Digney
Ray & June Dodson
Anne Dombrowski
Dugy’s Depot Ltd.
Rick Duifhuis
Don & Brendon Dumont
Sheila & Mike Durnin
Gary & Arlene Dutchak
Larry & Mary Duval
E.N. Painting
Andrew Earle & Cheryl Boltwood
Morris & Jillian (Moe & Jill) Easterbrook
Shawn & Jennifer Eby
Doug & Angela Einarson
Marci & Rod Ekland
Casey & Patricia Entius
ESC Automation
Estate of Robert William High
Estate of Nicolette Denise Vautier
Estate of Irene Walton
Fair Kevin Douglas Thomson Esq.
Dan & Alyson Fel
Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Mildred Field
Michael J. Finch
Rosemary & Tito Fontenla
Fraternal Order of Eagles #2101, Ladies Aux
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
David R. Friesen
Lloyd & Ruth From
Gina Gall
Doug Galloway
Jackie Gelling
Klaus & Maria Gerick
Gerhard & Colleen Gerke
Robert & Denise-Mary Gervais
Karen Gomerich
Judith & Harvey Graham
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Harcharan & Balbinder Grewal
Alan & Marlene Gustafson
Harbourview Volkswagen
Wayne and Barbara Harling
Dr. John & Janice Hayley
D. Grant Hepburn
Daniel & Carol Hepner
Norma & Robert Hinds
Mary Hislop
Bradley Hodson
Tom & Shelley Holmes
Dale & Doreen Huston
I. McIver Law Corporation
In Appreciation of Nonna Fedina
In Honour of NRGH Health Care Professionals
C. Norman & Arleen Ingram
Insulpro Insulation Inc.
Archibald Ireland
Island Self Storage Ltd.
J. E. Anderson & Associates
Alice Jensen
Dr. Robert Johnson & Wendy Alexander
Johnston Family
Michael & Sheri Johnston
Scott Johnston
Charles & Sharon Joynson
Ian & Karen King
Dave & Maureen Kirk
Malcolm & JoAnne Knapman
Knappett Industries Ltd.
Knight Bligh Family Wealth Management
Knights of Columbus – Mid-Island Council 3842
Paul & Bea Kolodziej
Dr. Zenobia A. Kotwall
T.K. Krall
Leonard & Sharon Krog
Dr. Kevin Lai
John B. Laing
Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community
Wayne & Darlene Latremouille
Yen and Wai Lim
Longwood Brew Pub
Longwood Brewery Ltd.
Gordon John Loudon
Carmel P. Lowe
Joyce Lust
Susan P. Maartman
Malcolm Macdonald
Sandra & Don MacDonald
R. Lorne MacFarland
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Skip Marsh
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Richard & Anuradha Mayer
Jim & Jillian McGlenen
Susan McGorman
David McLauchlin
Meyers Norris Penny
MFC Holdings
Steve & Anne Middleton
Milner Group Ventures Inc.
Dr. Andrew & Christine Mitchell
V. Jeannett Monkman
Sean & Vera Moore
Mosaic Forest Management
Alastair & Leslie Myer
Nanaimo Airport Commission
Nanaimo Elks #26
Nanaimo Hub City Lions Club
Nanaimo Lions Club
Nanoose Bay Lions
Steve & Debbie Neil
Stan & Marge Nestibo
Alison & Don North
Marilyn & Danny O’Hara
Gordon & Grace Olafson
Julian & Susan Packer
Marlene & Norman Paquette
Clint & Kim Parcher                       
Parksville Lions Club
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Douglas Paterson
Joy M. Patrick
Robert I. Patterson
Doug & Wanda Pauzé
Doug Pearson & Joan Ethier
John & Nancy Peirce
PepsiCo Beverages Canada
Janice Perrino
Edward C. Peter
Dr Giorgio Petricca Inc
Peter & Jane Pettingill
Bill & Evelyn Phillips
Monique Plourde
Heather & Robert Popple
Derrill & Pauline Prevett
Manly Price
Teresa A. Prior, In Honour My Retirement from NRGH – 17 yrs
Greg & Winn Rehill
Remax of Nanaimo
Adrian & Helen Rice
Ripplecove Investments Ltd.
Norman & Angela Rishworth
Maureen Risley
Kathleen Ritchie
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd
Michael H. Rogers
Beryl Rooney
Jim & Audrey Rose
Rotary Club of Lantzville
Rotary Club of Nanaimo, Daybreak
Rotary Club of Nanaimo North
Dale Rowe
Royal Canadian Legion #211
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion #49 Parksville
Royal Canadian Legion #76
Royal Canadian Legion, Mt. Arrowsmith #49, Ladies Aux
Bryan & Madge Rudgard
The Russell Family
Susan J. Ryan
Patrick & Alida Sali
Dr. Sean & Dr. Aileen Saunders
Stephen & Gloria Shabbits
Sylvia Shedden
Sidney & Gladys Sharman Endowment
Skaha Resources Ltd.
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Mike Smith
Helen E. Smyth
Krystyna Sosulski
Christopher Southgate & Patricia French
Spencer Family Fund
John & Jill Stedman
Richard & Nancy Stonard
Deborah Swail & Jim Stewart
David B. Tayelor
TD Wealth Private Giving Foundation
Earle & Lisa Ten Have
Elizabeth & Richard Thompson
Greg Tomkins
The Tong & Geraldine Louie Family Foundation
Sally Topley
Yvonne Tremblay
Trillium Boutique Senior Living
Elisabeth Van Kampen
Vancouver Island Construction Association
Vancouver Island Tribute Festival
Paul & Sharon Varga
Frances Vargo
Bob Waddell
J.E. Wagner & P. Thorbeck
Lynette Walker
Stella Walker
Kjell & Birgit Wallberg
Mollie & Don Walls
Michael Wansink
Catherine Watson
Erin Weeks
Wespro Drywall Inc.
Western Medical Contracting Inc
Wheaton Hyundai
Wheatsheaf Entertainment Centre Ltd.
Gerald V. Whidden
Dr. Ann White & Nicholas Fedchuk
Kelly Whitton
Ieuan Williamson & Shiela Legg
Women of the Moose Chapter #197
Ken & Betty Wong
Dr. Christine & Leo Yeomans
Denis R. Young

AC Taxi
Walker & Laura Addison
Barry & Sharon Ainslie
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Elspeth Anderson
Robert & Mary Archibald
Dr. Gurcharanjit & Gurdev Attariwal
Harold Austin
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Ian & Gwen Bailey
Dwaine & Lucille Barclay
Thomas & Lorraine Bates
Dr. Steve B. Beerman
Karen Bell
Sharon Bellinger
John Berlett
Anne-Louise Boyd
Patricia Branch
Lorna Branchi
Terry E. Brewster
Robert B. Brooks
Dr. Donald & Dr. Mavis Burrows
Terence Cagney
Canterbury Coffee
Central Drugs
Doreen Chanakos
Christopher Foundation
CIBC Asset Management Inc
Jackie Clabon
Walter & Marion Clark
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Ronald & Andrea Commander
Colin Cooper
Leslie & Shirley Corris
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club
Country Club Centre
Deryck Cowling
Dr. Patricia M. Crosson
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyj
Dagsaan & Company
Jack & Jacqueline de Jong
Tony Dobson
Anne Dombrowski
Arnold Dreef
Dugy’s Depot Ltd.
Rick Duifhuis
Timothy Dwane
Dykes & Randle Family
Doug & Angela Einarson
E.N. Painting
ESC Automation
Estate of Mabel Baaske
Estate of Robert William High
Estate of Mary Dormer Holmes
Estate of Lillian Maxwell
Estate of Lilian Mousley
Estate of Laura Jean Nicoll
Estate of Bertha I. Nixon
Estate of James A. Turner
Estate of Herbert Georg Wenke
Douglas & Jean Evans
Mildred Field
Michael J. Finch
First General Services of Vancouver Island
David R. Friesen
Lloyd & Ruth From
Doug Galloway
Raymond E. Ganderton
Klaus & Maria Gerick
Karen Gomerich
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Graphic Office Interiors Nanaimo Ltd
Harold & Karen Grass
Estate of Marjorie Marling Greene
Harcharan & Balbinder Grewal
Alan & Marleen Gustafson
Wayne & Barbara Harling
Dr. John & Janice Hayley
Herold Engineering Limited
Mary Hislop
Bradley Hodson
How’Bout Holding Co. Ltd
Dale & Doreen Huston
Insulpro Insulation Inc.
Island Self Storage Ltd.
Alice Jensen
Paul & Bonnie Johnson
Scott Johnston
Balvir & Rose Joshi
Dave & Maureen Kirk
John & Monica Kirkhope
Malcolm & JoAnne Knapman
Knappett Industries Ltd.
Mark Koch
Paul & Bea Kolodziej
Dr. Zenobia A. Kotwall
T.K. Krall
Leonard & Sharon Krog
Ladysmith Lions Club
Dr. Kevin Lai
Jon & Lynn Lampman
Dr. Jason Lee
With Gratitude – Boon Haw Lim & Family
Yen & Wai Lim
Lohn Foundation
London Drugs Foundation
Michal Lopianowski
Gordon John Loudon
Joyce Lust
Susan P. Maartman
Malcolm Macdonald
Peter & Janice Maddison
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Barbara Magnusson
William Manuel
Beverley A. Martin
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Mayer Family Companies
Bill & Denyse McCullough
Sean McDonagh
Robert & Mary McKenzie
Steve & Judith Middleton
Dr. Andrew & Christine Mitchell
John & Joyce Mitchell
V. Jeannett Monkman
David & Judy Mudry
Alastair & Leslie Myer
Nanaimo Elks #26
Nanaimo Lions Club
Nanoose Bay Lions
Mostafa Nateghi
Steve & Debbie Neil
Marilyn & Danny O’Hara
Ocean Idlers Car Club
Gordon & Grace Olafson
Captain Bram & Marijke Oudshoorn
Julian & Susan Packer
Narinder & Kulwant Parmar
Douglas Paterson
Joy M. Patrick
Robert I. Patterson
PepsiCo Beverages Canada
Janice Perrino
Edward C. Peter
Monique Plourde
Ron & Nicole Plug
Derrill & Pauline Prevett
Greg & Winn Rehill
Thelma J. Reynolds
Adrian & Helen Rice
Don Rinald
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd.
Jim & Audrey Rose
Dale J. Rowe
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #10
Royal Canadian Legion Mt. Arrowsmith #49
Bryan & Madge Rudgard
Sabzi Mandi Supermarket Nanaimo
Patrick & Alida Sali
Sands Funeral Chapel
Tracy Semen
Stephen & Gloria Shabbits
Brenda E. Shaw
Frank & June Shoemaker
Helen L. Shove
Joe & Kerri Silverthorn
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Mike Smith
Christopher Southgate
Spencer Family Fund
Steane Family
John & Jill Stedman
William & Joyce Stefiuk
David Stewart
Deborah Swail & Jim Stewart
Richard & Nancy Stonard
Claire Brenda Rositano Tait
David B. Tayelor
TD Wealth Private Giving Foundation
Carrol Tonkin
Chuck & Carole Toy
Vu T. Trang
Dr. Paul & Elizabeth Trepanier
UMC Charity
Elisabeth Van Kampen
Vancouver Island Tribute Festival
George & Pauline Venner
Stella Walker
Edna M. Walls
Michael Wansink
Stanley Watts
Erin Weeks
Western Communities Foundation
Western Medical Contracting Inc
Gerald V. V. Whidden
Kelly Whitton
May Williams
Wolf Brewing Co
Women of the Moose Chapter #197
Ken & Betty Wong
Woodgrove Centre
Denis R. Young

Abreast of Life C.V.I. Dragon Boat Team
Walker & Laura Addison
Lazlo & Pamela R. Adorjan
Judge R. Allan and Diana Gould
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Tatsuo Aoki
Dr. Gurcharanjit and Gurdev Attariwala
Ian & Gwen Bailey
Marguerite Band
Thomas & Lorraine Bates
Bayer Inc.
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Karen Bell
Anne-Louise Boyd
Lorna Branchi
Robert B. Brooks
C and J Barton Foundation
Terry A. Cagney
Canadian Tire
Canterbury Coffee
Bruce & Doreen Chanakos
Chix with Stix Dragon Boat Team
Bonita Chyplyk
CI Investments Inc.
Jackie Clabon
Donna Clark
Walter & Marion Clark
Coast Bastion Hotel
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Wilda Colyn
Country Club Centre
Dr. Dave and Roslyn Coupland
Cross & Company Ltd.
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyj
Dean Currie
Ingrid de Jong
Rhonda Deering
Pauline Denne
Ray & June Dodson
Dugy’s Depot Ltd.
Rick Duifhuis
Malcolm Dunnett
Doug & Angela Einarson
ESC Automation
Estate of Catherine Elliot Cagney
Estate of Douglas Charles Davies
Estate of Dorothy Anna Rankin Howie
Ron Everard & Joyce Gallinger
Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Michael J. Finch
Five Star Embroidery & Silk Screening Inc.
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
Patricia A. French
David R. Friesen
Loyd & Ruth From
Doug Galloway
Klaus & Maria Gerick
Graphic Office Interiors Nanaimo Ltd.
Harcharan and Balbinder Grewal
Mr. Alan and Mrs. Marlene Gustafson
Leonard Hale
Charles Hardy
Dr. John Hayley
Jay & Cecilia Hetrick
Audrey M. Hinksman
Mary Hislop
Michael Hogan
Tom Holmes
Brenda Hovdebo
Doreen Huston
Norman and Arleen Ingram
Dr. Lorne Irvine
Island Savings
Jesse’s Gift Foundation
Paul & Bonnie Johnson
Scott Johnston
Barbara Kalnin
Doreen Ketchen
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
Dr. Zenobia Kotwall
Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community
London Drugs Foundation
Longwood Brewery Ltd.
Carmel P. Lowe
Joyce Lust
Susan P. Maartman
Malcolm Macdonald
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Barbara Magnusson
William Manuel
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Maurice Mauch
Joan McCully
Jim & Jillian McGlenen
John & Claudette McLenahan
Edwin & Irma Melville
Meyers Norris Penny
Mid Island Rose Society
Steve & Judith Middleton
Dr. Andrew & Christine Mitchell
Reid Mitchell
Robert & Anneli Muir
Nanaimo Elks #26
Nanaimo Filipino Canadian Association (NAFCA)
Nanaimo Lions Club
Nanaimo Theatre Group
Dr. Arun Natajaran Inc.
Stan & Marge Nestibo
Hans & Johanna Nielsen
Ronald Collicutt & Barbara Ogden
Danny & Marilyn O’Hara
Gordon & Grace Olafson
Alan Oslie
Parksville Lioness Club
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Douglas Paterson
Joy M. Patrick
Robert I. Patterson
Janice Perrino
Don & Roberta Peterson
William J. Pittendreigh
Ron and Nicole Plug
Print Three
Ramsay Lampman Rhodes
Dr. Robert & Karen Rangno
Greg & Winnifred Rehill
Norman & Angela Rishworth
Peter J. Roberts and Leona Green
Eric Robinson
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd.
Michael H. Rogers
Dr. James and Ellen Rooney
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Daybreak
Rotary Club of Lantzville
Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach – Sunrise
Dale Rowe
Royal Canadian Legion 211 – Bowser
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion, Mt. Arrowsmith 49 – Ladies Auxiliary
Richard & Marjorie Rudgard
Patrick and Alida Sali
Sands Funeral Chapel
Sea Wolf Adventures
Stephen James and Gloria Shabbits
Sidney R. Sharman
Patricia M. Simpson
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Mike Smith
Krystyna Sosulski
Spencer Family Fund
Spice of Life Catering
Thomas St. Onge & Allison Butterworth
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Charles Stewart
Tom Harris Community Endowment
The Tong & Geraldine Louie Family Foundation
Toys R Us
James & Marianne Turley
Tina Valliere
Vancouver Island Internet Television
Don & Mollie Walls
Michael Wansink
Welly Waveriders Dragon Boat Team
Western Medical Contracting Inc.
Westmark Construction
Gerald V. V. Whidden
May Williams
Ken & Betty Wong
Woodgrove Chrysler Dodge Jeep Dodge Trucks

10 Laps from Lennox
460 Realty
Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team C.V.I.
Walker & Laura Addison
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Howard R. Armstrong
Dr. Gurcharanjit & Gurdev Attariwala
John Banks
Bayer Inc.
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Steve B. Beerman
Karen Bell
Christopher Bergen
Boston Scientific Ltd.
Anne-Louise Boyd
Brian Brack
Patricia Branch
Lorna Branchi
Dolores E. Broadfoot
Robert B. Brooks
C & J Barton Foundation
Canterbury Coffee
Caya Signs
Doreen Chanakos
Cory Chapman
Chix with Stix Dragon Boat Team
Walter & Marion Clark
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Coastland Wood Industries
David & Carolyn Collyer
Frank & Deanna Corrigan
Shirley Corris
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club
Country Club Centre
Laurie A. Crossan
Ray B. Cunningham
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyj
Allan E. Deering
Marie Defelice
Dr. Satish & Veena Desai
Ray & June Dodson
Hermann Doerwaldt
Rick Duifhuis
Gary & Arlene Dutchak
Eagle Park Auxiliary
Doug & Angela Einarson
Susan L. Epp
ESC Automation
Estate of Beverley Maye Baldwin
Estate of Winnifred Waugh
Ron Everard
Anthony Feigel & Phyllis Scott-Feigel
Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Michael J. Finch
Five Star Embroidery
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #15
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
David R. Friesen
Lloyd & Ruth From
Doug Galloway
Klaus & Maria Gerick
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Graphic Office Interiors
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Harcharan & Balbinder Grewal
Kanwaljit S. Grewal
Dr. Vidya & Shukla Gupta
Alan & Marlene Gustafson
Archie Hannah
Happy Wanderers Travel
Charles Hardy
Helijet International
Tom Holmes
In Appreciation of John Linder – Margo Linder
In Honor of Dr. Mel Petreman – LifeLabs
Norman & Arleen Ingram
Innov8 Digital Solutions Inc.
Island Savings
Paul & Bonnie Johnson
Douglas & Nancy Johnston
Barbara Kalnin
Marilynn E. Kathrein
Dr. Vernon H. Kemp
Keith & Doreen Ketchen
Keith & Melanie Kirk
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
Dr. Zenobia Kotwall
Stan Logan
Joyce Lust
Susan P. Maartman
Alan & Alice McWhinnie
Malcolm Macdonald
Madrona Imaging
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Mayer Family Companies
Julie A. McArthur
Jim & Jillian McGlenen
Peter McIntyre
Mid-Island Pensioners & Hobbyists Assoc.
Midas Auto & Tire Service
Steve & Anne Middleton
Judy Mitchell
Dr. Andrew & Christine Mitchell
Sean & Vera Moore
Nanaimo Elks #26
Nanaimo Harbour Lites Lioness Club
Nanaimo Hub City Lions Society
Nanaimo Lions Club
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Nanaimo Professional Firefighters’ Charitable Society
Nanaimo Quilters’ Guild Society
Nissan of Nanaimo
Danny & Marilyn O’Hara
Gordon & Grace Olafson
Pactow Transport Services
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Parksville Quilt House Quilters Guild
Douglas Paterson
Robert I. Patterson
Kathie Paul
Pepsico Beverages Canada
Janice Perrino
Phoenix Siding Ltd.
William J. Pittendreigh
Print Three
Joseph C. Ramsay
Ramsay Lampman Rhodes
RCMP Foundation
Greg Rehill
Peter J. Roberts & Leona Green
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd.
Michael H. Rogers
Jim & Audrey Rose
Rotary Club of Lantzville
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Daybreak
Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach – Evening
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion #49 – Mt. Arrowsmith
Royal Canadian Legion #49 – Mt. Arrowsmith Ladies Auxiliary
Royal Canadian Legion #257 – Lantzville Ladies Auxiliary
Richard & Marjorie Rudgard
Patrick & Alida Sali
Dr. Nathan Schneidereit
Alfred & Brenda Shaw
Bruce Shier
Sidney R. Sharman Endowment
Patricia M. Simpson
Skydive Vancouver Island
Robert & Norma Smith
St. Mark’s Church
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Grace B. Stevens
Antonius F. Tjerks
Tom Harris Community Endowment Foundation
The Tong & Geraldine Louie Family Foundation
Thorne Underwood
VITV – Wheel O Rama
Don & Mollie Walls
Laura M. Weksler
Welly Waveriders Dragon Boat Team
Western Medical Contracting
Gerald V. Whidden
Kelly Whitton
May Williams
Women of the Moose – Chapter #197
Ken & Betty Wong

Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Kan & Shelley Andrais
Dr. Gurcharanjit & Gurdev Attariwala
Bayer Inc.
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Kate Beddows
Karen Bell
Berwick on the Lake
Black Press
Lorna Branchi
Robert B. Brooks
Canterbury Coffee
Dr. John & Jennifer Carr
Caya Signs
Gian Carlo Chitto
Chix with Stix Dragon Boat Team
Walter & Marion Clark
Wilda Colyn
Frank & Deanna Corrigan
Laurie A. Crossan
Dr. Stephen & Marcia Crowley
Dr. Satish & Veena Desai
Mary Dodds
June Dodson
Kevin Dougan
Rick Duifhuis
Josephine Edwards
Doug & Angela Einarson
ESC Automation
Estate of Kenneth Aubin
Estate of Roland Bernard Brown
Fairway Market
Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
Lynda Fielder
Five Star Embroidery
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
David R. Friesen
Lloyd & Ruth From
Doug Galloway
Klaus & Maria Gerick
John & Marie-Louise Garenkooper
Karen Gomerich
Graphic Office Interiors
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Alan & Marlene Gustafson
Archie Hannah
Charles & Dorothy Hardy
Pam Harris
Helijet International
Arthur & Audrey Hinksman
Mary Hislop
Bradley Hodson
Estate of Eva Hasslinger
Estate of Melania Cecelia Hoffman
Estate of Phyllis Elaine Wilson
Island Savings
Clifford J. Jackman
Paul & Bonnie Johnson
Gordon & Ann Joiner
Kenneth E. Jones
H. Jungermann
Barbara Kalnin
Marilynn E. Kathrein
Aldene Imlah
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
Knights of Columbus – Mid-Island Council 3842
Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community
Erling & Anne Larson
Margaret Laskosky
Layzell, Dreger, Walton and Associates
Diana Little
Long & McQuade Ltd.
Loyal Order of Moose – Lodge 1052
Henry & Joyce Lust
Malcolm Macdonald
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Mayer Family Companies
Jim & Rose McCulley
Jim & Jillian McGlenen
MD Financial Management Inc.
Mercedes-Benz Nanaimo
Mid-Island Pensioners & Hobbyists Assn.
Steve & Anne Middleton
Robert & Anneli Muir
Marleen Murphy
The Nanaimo Chinese Cultural Society
Nanaimo Elks #26
Nanaimo Harbour Lites Lioness Club
Nanaimo Modern Quilt Guild
Nanaimo Quilters’ Guild Society
Marlene Noble
Ocean Idlers Car Club
Dr. Christopher Olynik
Gordon & Grace Olafson
Roger Paquette
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Douglas Paterson
Joy M. Patrick
Janice Perrino
Edward C. Peter
Glen Peters
Paul & Janice Peters
William J. Pittendreigh
Helen Press
Print Three
Joseph C. Ramsay
RBC Dominion Securities
Harald Reudelsdorf
Peter J. Roberts & Leona Green
Rocky Point Engineering
Dr. James & Ellen Rooney
Jim & Audrey Rose
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Daybreak
Royal Canadian Legion #10
Royal Canadian Legion #49 – Mt. Arrowsmith Ladies Auxiliary
Royal Canadian Legion #256 – Mt. Benson
Royal Canadian Legion #257 – Lantzville Ladies Auxiliary
Richard & Marjorie Rudgard
Iqbal S. Sahota
Dr. Claudio & Leslie Sansalone
John & Gisela Schoenebeck
Dr. Niels Schwarz
Tim Scott
The Sew Wats
Stephen & Gloria Shabbits
Shansa Holdings
Shoppers Drug Mart
Helen L. Shove
Sidney R. Sharman Endowment
David Simm
Patricia M. Simpson
Vern & Rose Marie Slaney
Prof. W. James & Judith M.R. Slater
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Elizabeth J. Smith
Robert & Norma Smith
Star Marketing Ltd
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Jill Stedman
Iona M. Stephens
Grace B. Stevens
Mohinder S. Toor
United Floors
Elsie Vandermeer
Welly Waveriders Dragon Boat Team
Westmark Construction
Gerald V. Whidden
May Williams
Ken & Betty Wong
Anne-Louise Boyd
Coastal Community Private Wealth Group
Darrell & Robin Oswald
Estate of Marga Anneliese Henschel
Estate of Laura Jean Nicoll
Estate of Charles Herman Simmons
Estate of Patricia Beryl Watts
Dr. Keith & Kathleen Lindsay
Robert Majewski
Paul & Sharon Varga
Vancouver Island Tribute Festival
Wenner Group
Muriel Woollard

Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Dr. Dara Alasti
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Gwen Anders
Brian & Dianne Anderson
J.E. Anderson & Associates
Helen Balzer
Tom & Lorraine Bates
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Karen Bell
Patricia Branch
Lorna Branchi
Albert & Barb Brett
Robert B. Brooks
Mary-Jane Burns
Helen M. Butterworth
C.N. Pensioners Association
Dick & Sherry Cain
Eileen Callanan
Canadian Society of German Culture
Canadian Western Bank
Canterbury Coffee Corporation
Caya Signs
Chix with Stix Dragon Boat Team
CJ Martial Arts & Fitness
Walter & Marion Clark
Coast Capital Savings
Cobs Bread
Capt. William Cogswell
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club
Dr. David & Jane Coupland
Dr. Bill & Jan Croft
Dr. Satish & Veena Desai
Dodds Furniture
Dover Bay Wave Breakers Dragon Boat Team
Rick Duifhuis
Doug & Angela Einarson
ESC Automation
Estate of William Frederick Garbett
Estate of Marjorie Greene
Estate of Charles Ross Little
Estate of Vivienne May Robertson
Estate of Phyllis Lillean Thomas
Estate of Auli Alina Toal
Farm Fresh Design
Five Star Embroidery
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
Lloyd & Ruth From
Doug Galloway
Marlene Georges
Bruce G. Goddard
Patricia L. Gould
Graphic Office Interiors
Green Thumb Nurseries & Landscape
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Jean D. Greig
Dr. Vidya Sagar & Shukla Gupta
Archie Hannah
Harbour Tower Residents
Charles & Dorothy Hardy
Loretta Herzog
Andrew & Bonnie Heys
Tom Holmes
Leona Horvath
Elizabeth J. Hull
Island Radio
Island Savings
Jesse’s Gift Foundation
David & Moira Jenkins
Paul & Bonnie Johnson
Douglas & Nancy Johnston
Barbara Kalnin
Marilynn Kathrein
Daphne V. Kellett
Keystone of Life Foundation
KKP Design & Print Centre
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
Knox United Church
Dr. Kevin Lai
Don Lawseth
Long & McQuade
M.V.P. Authentics
Ray & Grace MacMath
William & Susan Maartman
Malcolm Macdonald
Charles & Ellen Madill
Madrona Imaging Inc.
Helen Manning
Pamela B. Mar
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
Mayer Family Companies
Peter McIntyre
McKays Electronic Experts
Bonnie McNab
Mid-Island Pensioners & Hobbyists Assn.
Midas Auto & Tire Service
Steve & Anne Middleton
Miri Piri Darbar Sikh Gurduwara
Murphy Wall-Beds
Alastair Myer
Gian S. Nagra
Nanaimo Lions Club
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Nanaimo Quilters’ Guild Society
Nanaimo Theatre Group
North Cedar Volunteer Fire Department
Danny & Marilyn O’Hara
John & Eveline O’Rourke
Gordon & Paula Olafson
Peter J. Orme
B. Ann Parker
Parksville Beach Festival Society
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Michael & Trudy Parsons
Cliff & Dorothy Pascoe
Robert I. Patterson
Eleanor Pearson
Pepsico Beverages Canada
Edward C. Peter
William J. Pittendreigh
Preceptor Delta Zeta – Beta Sigma Phi
Helen Press
Joseph C. Ramsay
Ramsay Lampman Rhodes
Cory Rasmussen
Roy & Beverly Reber
George & Joy Richardson
RideOut Communications
Peter J. Roberts & Leona Green
Rock City Cycles
Rocky Point Engineering
Dr. James & Ellen Rooney
Jim & Audrey Rose
Rotary Club of Lantzville
Rotary Club of Nanaimo – Daybreak
Rotary Club of Qualicum Beach – Sunrise
Royal Canadian Legion #49 – Mt. Arrowsmith
Royal Canadian Legion #256 – Mt. Benson
Royal Canadian Legion #257 – Lantzville Ladies Auxiliary
Iqbal & Gian Sahota
Scimitar Sports
Bruce Shier
Shoppers Drug Mart
Sidney R. & Gladys L. Sharman Foundation
Patricia M. Simpson
Sheri Shanahan
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Elizabeth J. Smith
G. Clifford Smyth
Snow Cap Fishing Charters
Scott Starkey
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Grace B. Stevens
Janet R. Taylor
Thrifty Foods
Tong & Geraldine Louie Family Foundation
Carrol Tonkin
Trends Electronics & Madman McKays
Dr. Paul & Jane Trepanier
United Floors
Richelle Van Snellenberg
Joy E. Vikstrom
Welly Waveriders Dragon Boat Team
Western Medical Contracting
May Williams
Women of the Moose – Nanaimo Chapter #197
Ken & Betty Wong
Tae Soo & Ka Young Woo
Woodgrove Centre

Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Gwen Anders
Brian & Dianne Anderson
Brian Archdekin
Dr. Richard & Maureen Arnold
Dr. Wilma Arruda
Edward Greskow & Pauline Ashton
Karen Bell
Berwick on the Lake
Valerie M. Booth
Lorna Branchi
Robert B. Brooks
James A. Brown
Patricia Brown
Business For a Better Nanaimo
Helen M. Butterworth
Jim & Eileen Callanan
Dr. Chris & Andrea Cameron
Canadian Western Bank
Dr. John & Jennifer Carr
Gordon & Carole Cassie
Catholic Women’s League
Caya Signs
Chix with Stix Dragon Boat Team
Coast Capital Savings
Code Brew
Philip Copple & Maureen LaPlaca
Dr. David & Jane Coupland
Laurie A. Crossan
Adrian & Cheryl Curkowskyz
Dr. Satish & Veena Desai
E.C.H.O. Players
K. Douglas & Angela Einarson
Estate of Marjorie Isobel Baker
Estate of Erika Berta Lockwood
Estate of Helmi Kaarina Samples
Estate of Kenneth Davis Wright
FedEx Express
Evelyn Ferrier
Five Star Embroidery
John H. Fogden
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
David R. Friesen
Lloyd & Ruth From
Daphne J. Frost
Gabriola Women’s Institute
Laurette & Jacqueline Gautier
Marlene Georges
Graphic Office Interiors
Green Thumb Nurseries & Landscape
Mark Greenspoon
Bryan & Marilyn Gregson
Jean D. Greig
Harcharan & Balbinder Grewal
Dr. Vidya Sagar & Shukla Gupta
Archie Hannah
Charles & Dorothy Hardy
Gerald & Barbara Hardy
Arthur & Audrey Hinksman
Dr. Georgia C. Hirst
Bradley Hodson
Tom Holmes
Leona Horvath
Island Radio
Island Savings
Jesse’s Gift Foundation
James & Susan Johnstone
Jackie Katerenchuk
Clifford Jackman
Marilynn Kathrein
Kellers Jewellers
Keith & Doreen Ketchen
KKP Design & Print Centre
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
La-z-Boy Furniture Galleries
Marjorie A. LaFoy
Dr. Kevin Lai
Mary & Donald Lockwood
Long & McQuade
Susan P. Maartman
William R. Maartman
Malcolm Macdonald
Mack Sales & Service of Nanaimo
Charles & Ellen Madill
Madrona Imaging
Kathee A. March
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
McKays Electronic Experts
Leona McKillop
John & Claudette McLenahan
Midas Auto & Tire Service
Steve & Anne Middleton
Martin & Doreen Miller
Deborah Murray
Myra Systems Corp
Nanaimo Asian Professionals Association
Nanaimo Chinese Women Society
Nanaimo Clippers Hockey Club
Nanaimo Lions Club
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Nanaimo North Town Centre
Danny & Marilyn O’Hara
Gordon & Paula Grace Olafson
Pactow Transport Services
Parksville Beach Festival Society
Parksville Qualicum Elks #589
Parksville/Qualicum Shrine Club #34
Cliff & Dorothy Pascoe
Daniel Peel
Edward C. Peter
Dr. Giorgio Petricca
Preceptor Delta Zeta – Beta Sigma Phi
Helen Press
Protection Island Lions Club
Joseph & Ann Ramsay
RBC Dominion Securities
Thelma J. Reynolds
RideOut Communications
Peter J. Roberts & Leona Green
Rocky Point Engineering Ltd.
Rotary Club of Lantzville
Royal Canadian Legion #256 – Mt. Benson
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion #257 – Lantzville Ladies Auxiliary
Iqbal S. & Gian Sahota
Charles F. Sanderson
Dr. Sean & Dr. Aileen Saunders
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Elizabeth J. Smith
Bob & Doreen Smith
Gord Smoker
Snow Cap Fishing Charters
Mary L. Spark
Starbucks Coffee Company
Starlight Children’s Foundation Canada
Anna E. Stefani
Sylvia M. Taylor
Jean M. Thomson
Thrifty Foods
The Tong & Geraldine Louie Family Foundation
Dr. Roger & Carrol Tonkin
Uniglobe Geo Travel
VI Khalsa Diwan Society
Rol& & Ingeborg von Stackelberg
Lillian Weaver
Wilfried G. Weber
Laura M. Weksler
Welly Waveriders Dragon Boat Team
Western Medical Contracting
Eileen Whillans
Ken W. Wong
Woodgrove Centre

Judge R. Allan & Diana Gould
Gwen Anders
Ruth Armstrong
Dr. Gurcharanjit & Gurdev Attariwala
Dr. Warren & Sandra Bailey
Dr. Hector M. Baillie
Dr. Margaret N. Barr
Beatrice Blackmore
Dr. Neil Bourne
Lorna Branchi
Robert B. Brooks
Helen M. Butterworth
Dr. Chris & Andrea Cameron
Canadian Western Bank
Canadian Society of German Culture
Dr. Andrew McLaren & Dr. Rachel Carson
Caya Signs
Central Vancouver Island Ostomy Association
Chix with Stix Dragon Boat Team
Church of the Ascension Catholic Women’s League
Code Brew
Frank & Deanna Corrigan
Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club
Dr. David & Jane Coupland
Laurie A. Crossan
Dr. Satish & Veena Desai
ESC Automation
Estate of Jane W. Galliford
Estate of Pearl Isabella Hickman
Estate of Meryl Deanna Hipperson
Family Practice Society
Five Star Embroidery
John H. Fogden
Dr. David & Sheila Forrest
Jim & Moira Fraser
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #2101
Lloyd & Ruth From
Harvey & Judith Graham
Graphic Office Interiors
Green Thumb Nurseries & Landscape
Jim & Jean Greig
Harcharan S. Grewal
Archie Hannah
Charles & Dorothy Hardy
Gerald & Barbara Hardy
Walter Hillier
Tom Holmes
Barbara A. Hurst
Norman & Arleen Ingram
International Union of Operating Engineers – Local 115
Island Radio
Paul & Bonnie Johnson
Bill & Jackie Katerenchuk
Kellers Jewellers
Al Kenesky – Lucky 1 Charities
Dr. Michael & Karen Kenyon
Keith & Doreen Ketchen
Keystone of Life Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Nanaimo Sunrisers
KKP Design & Print Centre
Knappett Industries (2006) Ltd.
Knights of Columbus – Mid-Island Council 3842
Dr. Zenobia Kotwall
Dr. Kevin Lai
Jason Lauscher
Susan Faye Leader & Wayne Robert Wilson
Seok-Meng Lim
London Drugs Foundation
Long & McQuade Musical Instruments
Long Lake Sports & Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Gordon Ludke
Susan P. Maartman
William R. Maartman
Jim & Shirley MacDonald
Malcolm Macdonald
Charles & Ellen Madill
Dr. Kelly & Karm Matsuo
McKays Electronic Experts
John & Claudette McLenahan
Steve & Anne Middleton
Ruberta A. Mitchell
Grant Murphy
Myra Systems Corp
Nanaimo Lions Club
The Nanaimo News Bulletin
Nanaimo North Town Centre
Dave Newman
Phuong Nguyen
Eugene Nutter
Danny & Marilyn O’Hara
Ted Owens
Parkland Industries Limited
Parksville Lioness Club
Parksville Qualicum Beach News
Parksville Qualicum Shrine Club #34
Dr. Kevin L. Patterson
Daniel Peel
George Pennock
Edward C. Peter
Peter G. Pettingill
William J. Pittendreigh
Joffre B. Poulin
Helen Press
Protection Island Lions Club
Ramsay Lampman Rhodes
RideOut Communications
Evelyn Rintala
Peter J. Roberts & Leona Green
Roberta D. Robinson
Dr. John & Sara Ronald
Royal Canadian Legion #257
Royal Canadian Legion #257 – Lantzville Ladies Auxiliary
Iqbal & Gian Sahota
Charles & Kathleen Sanderson
Patricia M. Simpson
Pat & Juliette Slobodzian
Elizabeth J. Smith
Robert & Norma Smith
Snow Cap Fishing Charters
Chris Sorensen
Starbucks Coffee Company
Anna E. Stefani
Sushi Eh Japanese Restaurant
Daryl & Frances Rigets
Alison A. Szanto
Rev. Claud & Phyllis Thompson
Jean M. Thomson
Dr. Roger & Carrol Tonkin
Uniglobe Geo Travel
Roland & Ingeborg von Stackelberg
Susan Ushock
Kjell & Birgit Wallberg
Wilfried G. Weber
Laura Weksler
Western Medical Contracting
Frances G. Wiggans
May Williams
Ardie Windley
Women of the Moose – Nanaimo Chapter #197
Woodgrove Centre