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Host Your Own Community Event

You can help and make a difference!

It’s an easy and fun way to give!

Register your fundraiser

Contact Tina Lutz to assist with planning, helpful tips or to answer any questions. 250.667.8462 or email.

Thank you!

When you host an event or promotion on behalf of the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation, you help fund new medical equipment, patient comfort items, healthcare education and large projects that transform healthcare in our Central Vancouver Island communities. Thank you!

Ways You Can Help

There are also fun and easy ways for businesses to support our fundraising efforts including: jeans days, percentage of sales, Point of Sale promotion, special events such as golf and baseball tournaments, employee donation matching and more!

It’s in Our Nature to Give

With the support of the community, we bridge the gap left from what government provides to ensure that patients receive optimal care with state-of-the-art equipment, and that our frontline medical teams have the supports they need to deliver the best healthcare possible.