Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club gives to Palliative Care Unit at NRGH

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Photo, left to right: Representing the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club April Mathers (Secretary), Chris Frederickson (Fundraising Chair), Lyndsay Hunley (Field Day Chair), and Janice Perrino (CEO) of the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation.

What an amazing group of ladies! The Cottonwood Ladies Golf Club hosts a “Field Day” fundraiser every second September. The popular event attracts women golfers from across Vancouver Island, and they “sell” men as caddies. This year they continued their focus on the Palliative Care Unit at NRGH with a gift of $3,500 thanks to raffles, participation costs, and silent auctions.
Organizers expressed their heartfelt appreciation for the golfers who attend each year, and also for sponsors who donate prizes and offer financial support.

The gift will purchase personal alarms for palliative patients who need to be monitored for safety, but are able to maintain some physical activity. The alarms will sound if the patient leaves their wheelchair, and thereby alert caregivers.

The Cottonwood Ladies Club have given almost $12,500 to the Palliative Unit through the Nanaimo & District Hospital Foundation, since establishing the Field Day event more than a decade ago. Thank you!

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