Child Health BC
Nanaimo Auxiliary to NRGH
Phyllis Brett
Estate of Kurt Koloska
Marjorie Wilkie
Walker and Laura Addison
Dr. Gurcharanjit and Gurdev Attariwala
CHEK Media Group
Estate of Alice May Crozier
Estate of Mary Dormer Holmes
Estate of Charles F. Sanderson
Estate of Alva Georgina Wyatt
Fairwinds Golf Club
Cliff and Diane Farmer
Gladys & Ricky Trust
Arthur and Audrey Hinksman
Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary
Roger C. Lytton
John and Claudette McLenahan
Vera Morrow
Nanaimo Airport Commission
Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society
Nanaimo Hospitality Association
Shirley-Anne Osborne
Darrell and Robin Oswald
Gisela Pallas
Quality Foods
Dr. Niels Schwarz
TELUS Corporation
Thrifty Foods
Tim Hortons
Windsor Plywood Foundation
Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Dr. Dara Alasti
Gwen Anders
Brian and Dianne Anderson
J.E. Anderson & Associates
Helen Balzer
Dwaine and Lucille Barclay
Tom and Lorraine Bates
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
Karen Bell
Patricia Branch
Lorna Branchi
Albert and Barb Brett
Lori Broadfoot