Child Health BC
Nanaimo Auxiliary to NRGH
Florence M. Chapman
Estate of George McIntyre
Estate of Marguerite Elizabeth Blackert
William and Catherine MacMunn
Dr. Gurcharanjit and Gurdev Attariwala
Anne (Penny) Boyd
Floyd and Betty Mae Campbell
Dr. William and Patricia Carr
CHEK Media Group
Lorna M. Cliffe
Estate of Joan Barnes
Estate of William Frederick Garbett
Estate of Mary Dormer Holmes
Estate of Jean Frances Prentice
Estate of Phyllis Lillean Thomas
Estate of Bessie Gibson
Estate of Phyllis Elaine Wilson
Fairwinds Golf Club
Anthony Feigel and Phyllis Scott-Feigel
In Memory of Linda Dianne Cowling
Ceryck Cowling
Ladysmith Health Care Auxiliary
Roger C. Lytton
Vera Morrow
Nanaimo Dragon Boat Festival Society
Shirley-Anne Osborne
Quality Foods
Dr. Niels Schwarz
Tim Hortons
Wai On Foundation
Wave Babes Dragon Boat Team
Windsor Plywood Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Woodward’s Foundation
Abreast of Life Dragon Boat Team
Gwen Anders
Brian and Dianne Anderson